Dear Members & Parents,
The weeks have passed us by so fast with the unexpected pandemic and crisis but I'm glad we overcame it and hanging on with strength regardless. As you know AC Miami has been constantly increasing its reach, growing season by season, and making our youth's dreams come to life.
No matter how long we had to stay off of the fields, remember, the comeback is always better than the set back. Meanwhile the pandemic, we were steadfastly working on opening up new opportunities to our soccer players. The unwanted pause has given us the possibility to strengthen our relationships and open up new channels through our old connections.
The work never stopped and thanks to our achievements we are on the doorstep of huge opportunities. Already having AC Miami “homegrown” players at Inter De Miami MLS Youth Academy, we could arrange the tryout for Gergo Varga with Inter Miami Director of Player Development, Darren Powell. This promising player’s successful tryout can open opportunities to AC Miami players.
Another “big shot” is ahead of us…. AC Miami has the possibility of merging with a Miami based professional soccer club, starting from the 2020/21 season. This coalition can bring a tremendous benefit to our players, meanwhile keeping our family based environment. Our locations would remain the same with the addition of Tamiami Park. We will keep you posted with the upcoming news.
Coach Attila: to the great sorrow of all of us our Director of Coaching cannot continue with us in the 2020/21 season. Attila Polyak have accepted a new, honorable position in Hungary. He will be historically the youngest CEO of Hungary’s biggest youth clubs, Ujpesti TE. Attila insured us the partnership of AC Miami and Ujpesti TE will continue and he expressed the interest of having our top players at their practices at least once every season. We wish him success and all the abundance in his endeavors.
3v3 Live: due to the new wave of Covid-19 the 3v3 Tournament in Amelia Erhart Park, planned for July 5th was just postponed and moved to 8th of August. We refunded the registration fees to every player today. We will open a new enrollment for this event in the middle of July again.
2020/2021 Season AC Miami Tryouts: City of Miami just extended the closure of its parks to 15th of July, thus we have to move our July Tryout date: Click the link here to view dates and to register to our TRYOUTS!
Soccer Summer Camp: Click here for Soccer Camp Registration!
See you all soon!
Best regards,
Gabor Pasztor
“More than a practice, it’s a lifestyle;
more than a game, it’s your self-expression!”