The European Soccer Tours are designed and tailored for each specific player and their desired needs. Through our European relationships and contacts, we offer a professional tour affording our players the opportunity of a lifetime. The tours provide trainings with professional coaches, games against top tier teams, culture immersion, professional training camp experience, and exposure to many aspects that will aid in their growth and development on and off the field.
The objective is to provide a platform for our players to gain experience and training that will help them reach goals of all levels. A complete immersion into the professional environment, exposure to professional trainings, and games against division I. youth teams. Players will have the opportunity to be scouted, evaluated, and observed by top scouts, agents, and coaches. Also, the players will obtain a level and experience that will aid in their success in the following seasons. Experiences that will improve their opportunities for college scholarships and professional contracts.
The benefits are numerous and often necessary for a path to success. To have the opportunity to be better it is essential to train like and play against the best. Players must understand how to act as a professional and train as such in the proper environment. Detail and fundamentals are necessary to obtain such as:
All around Professional Experience
Professional Schedule, style, lifestyle
Scouting Opportunities
College Preseason Preparation
Cultural Diversity and Immersion; Experience and Growth as a Player and Person
Nutritional techniques and Importance in Sport
Train at a Professional European Facility
Professional Soccer Contracts
Enhance opportunities for College Scholarships
Independence and Self care
Top level Training and experience will aid in reaching goals of all Levels
Unmatched quantity of training (technical, tactical & cognitive) shrank into the 11 days schedule
Meeting top European players, coaches
European Soccer Tour - July 17th - 27th 2025 (11 days, 10 nights)
Athletic Club Miami presents the opportunity to train at a world class professional European 1st Division Team Facility,
Our team players will participate on a 5 days long AC Miami training camp, followed by the 2-3 days tryout practices at the local Div. I. professional clubs’ youth teams, in which our players will be integrated to the Hungarian teams, practice and play games along their squad. We will close the trip with the Budapest International Cup that extends for 2 days during the weekend. Our goal is to provide a professional experience for those seeking a future in soccer at the University or Professional level.
Where and When July 17th - 27th 2025 (11 days, 10 nights)
Training Camp: July 17th - July 24th 2025. (5 days) Budapest, Ferencvarosi Torna Club (Budapest, Vajda Péter u. 6, 1101. Hungary)
The Budapest International Cup: July 25-26th 2025. (2 days: Saturday, Sunday) Budapest, UTE Szilagyi ut Sports Center Budapest, Szilágyi u. 30, 1046 Hungary
Tryout training with. Div. I. Hungarian teams (2-3 days): July 24th, 27th, 2025. Budapest.
Age divisions: 2010; 2011; 2012
Uniforms: 2024/25 AC Miami kits (Home, Away, 2xPractice)
Cleats: Players should have AT LEAST two pairs of cleats. However, one turf and two cleats would be optimal.
Clothes: Beside the soccer kits players should have at least one casual street outfit and one pair of sneakers for the sightseeing and sailing day.
Info for our SUPPORTERS at Budapest
Airport Shuttle (at the airport)
The Uber App works in Budapest
Taxi Companies:
City Taxi +36-1-2-111-111
Nomad Insurance Click here!
Currency exchange:
If you want to change USD or EUR to Hungarian Ft (HUF) do not do at the airport. The best rates can be found in downtown Change Locations. Here is the one I use: Zena Change kft. Budapest, Erzsébet krt. 16, 1073