at Stadio Soccer (571 NW 73rd St, Miami, FL 33150)
+ Click here for Goalkeeper Summer Camp info!

Camp Hours: 9am - 4pm;
(early drop-off available for request, 7:45am-9am)
Participants' age: 2017-2009 born players
$290/week with Early Bird registration (ends in March 31st)
320/week or $75/day (after March 31st)
In addition $25 deposit is applied for late pick up fee, that is returned at the end of the camp on Friday 4PM.
Registration fees paid on
AC Miami Venmo account: @a-c-miami
AC Miami Zelle account: 786-905-5005
Registration Deadline:
Only advance Registration. At least one day before the start of the camp. No guaranteed registration. Only 30 spots available. First come first serve basis.
Book 1st week with full amount, every additional weeks with $100 deposit. No payment, no guaranteed spot.
Soccer Summer Camp Registration Form
Program Schedule:
9am-9:30am - Drop-off time
9:30am - 11:45am - Field session and scrimmage
12pm - 12:45pm - Lunch time (Food is not included, players bring their own lunch and snacks)
12:45pm - 1:15pm - Soccer Lecture or Video
1:30pm - 3:30pm Field Session and scrimmage
3:15pm - 4pm - Pick-up time
(Late Pick-up fee 4:01pm-4:30pm $10; 4:31pm-5pm $20)
Program Features:
NO Soccer Cleats! Only Turf Shoes and Indoor shoes allowed!
Train like pro athletes in AC Miami quality camp. Improve mental toughness, leadership ability, concentration, emotional control, agility
Learn about healthy nutritions for sport
Improve balance, leg-eye coordination, speed, technic, flexibility and strength
Lecturing includes:
Bring your own ankle weights (2x2lbs; 2x3lbs or 2x4lbs) and yoga mat to the camp
Use of extensive video library for video breakdown sessions prior to field sessions
Position-Specific instructions for goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders and strikers
Tactical formations
Soccer History