SAndor HidvEgI
Coach Sandor Hidvegi shares our vision and commitment, and we are very excited and encouraged for our club to be able to count on such a high level of professional coaching for our young athletes. Sandor Hidvegi is a former professional Hungarian football (soccer) player. He spent more than 15 years as an adult player at the highest professional levels. During his career, he managed to become a key player for the top-ranked Hungarian clubs with the greatest traditions. He was a player for, among others, the two most successful clubs in Hungary, Ferencvárosi Torna Club and MTK Budapest FC, as well as Fehérvár FC, the third most important club of our time. In terms of awards, he also managed to reach the top, as he became the Hungarian National Champion in 2011 with the Videoton FC professional soccer team. After winning the Hungarian Pro League he won bronze medals twice, in 2014 with Ferencváros and in 2015 with the MTK team. Sandor Hidvegi is a well-known and respected member of the Hungarian football, who after finishing his carrier started to work as a football coach in the highest professional level at MTK Budapest which has the best youth academy in Hungary, also valued across Europe.
UEFA “A” DIPLOMA (2020-2021)
Hungarian Football Federation Fitness Coach Licence (2018-2019)
Season 2019/20 BICSKEI TC - Head coach U19 team
Season 2020/21 and 2021/22 MTK BUDAPEST - Fitness coach/Assistant coach - 1st Tier
Season 2022/23 MTK BUDAPEST - Assistant coach U19 team
Season 23/24 ATHLETIC CLUB MIAMI - Head coach U14 team

Sandor Hidvegi references
1. Hidvegi Sandor a Fradiba tart
3. Hidvegi bombagol az nb1-ben
5. A Fradi leigazolta Tuypot es Hidvegit
6. Lekerult a gipsz Hidvegi labarol hat het mulva jatszhat
7. Hidvegit egy evre kolcsonadtak az MTK-nak
8. Labdarugo nb1 - Hidvegi nagy bombaja
9. A Fradi volt vedojet nb1-es klub kereste
10. Haladas: exfradistat tesztelnek
12. Haladas: Hidvegi alairt mar nem lesznek erkezok vagy megis
14. Hidvégi Sándor gólja az MTK Budapest – Nyíregyháza Spartacus mérkőzésen
18. FTC: nb2-es csapathoz tart a tavozo vedo palyara is lepett
19. Dunaujvaros: alairt a fradi volt balhatvedje
20. MTK: Ugyanolyan elhivatottsaggal mint jatekoskent Hidvegi Sandor eronleti edzokent a csapat mellett
21. MTK: Bemutatkozik eronleti edzonk Hidvegi Sandor
22. Hidvegi Sandor golja a Paksi FC - Dunaujvaros merkozesen
23. Hatgolos-gyozelemmel-biztositotta-be-bajnoki-cimet-oregfiuk-csapatunk